Nicola Misani


I am a Researcher in the Department of Management and Technology at Bocconi University, where I teach courses on management, business strategy, and sustainability. I am also a fellow and deputy director at the ICRIOS research centre of Bocconi University.

My research interests include business ethics, business sustainability, and sustainable entrepreneurship. I am the author of several publications that have appeared in international refereed journals, such as the Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Business Strategy and the Environment, Ecological Economics, Journal of World Business, and International Business Review. I co-edited the book Fashion Collections. Product Development and Merchandising (Bocconi University Press, 2017). I have won numerous teaching and research awards, including the 2015 Academy of Management IM Division CGIO Best Paper Award in International Corporate Governance.

I earned a degree in Business Administration from Bocconi University and a degree in Philosophy from the State University of Milan. I received my PhD in Management Sciences from Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands.

Researcher with Tenure
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Research interests

Business Ethics; Corporate Sustainability; Voluntary carbon markets.

I teach Management and Sustainability in a variety of courses at Bocconi University. I am the program director of “Creating Value through Sustainability”, an intensive executive open program at SDA Bocconi, where I have also taught in numerous custom programs on sustainability for Italian and multinational companies.