Fabio Quarato

Graduated in Administration, Finance and Control (AFC) at Bocconi University. PhD in Management and Technology at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
Managing Director of the AIDAF-EY Chair in Strategic Management in Family Business in memory of Alberto Falck, Bocconi University. Responsible (together with Prof. Corbetta) of the AUB Observatory (AIDAF-Unicredit-Chamber of Commerce of Milan-Borsa Italiana-Bocconi University). Visiting Scholar at WI-FU - Witten Institute for Family Firms, Witten / Herdecke University, Germany (2015). Fellow of FFI (Family Firm Institute) and AIDEA (Italian Academy of Business Economics). Member of the Associate Editorial Board of SN Business & Economics and of Entreprenership Research Journal (ERJ)

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International conferences

D'Angelo, A., Quarato, F., & Cambrea, D.R., Women Ceos and Internationalization of Family-Controlled Firms: the Moderating Role of Ownership And Governance Openess. IFERA Annual Conference (2022), Santander, 22-24 June, 2022.

Zona, F., Quarato, F., Coller, G., & Cambrea, D.R. Resource dependence and stakeholder theories: the resource provision versus balance of conflict roles of outside directors. IFERA Annual Conference (2022), Santander, 22-24 June, 2022.

Amore, M.D., Pelucco, V., & Quarato, F., Family Ownership During the Covid-19 Pandemic. 7th annual International Corporate Governance Society (ICGS) conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 8-10 October, 2021. 

Quarato, F., Calabrò, A., Pongelli, C., Depperu, D., & Corbetta, G. Family ownership concentration and FDI location choice: a bifurcation bias approach. Annual Conference of Sinergie-SIMA, Palermo, 9-11 June 2021.

Quarato, F., Calabrò, A., Pongelli, C., Depperu, D., & Corbetta, G. Family firms and cultural distance in fdi location choices: the role of internal and External threats. EURAM Annual Conference, online, 16-18 June 2021

Calabrò, A., Quarato, F., Torchia, M.T., & Lohe, F. Family Firms’ acquisition choices. Exploring the boundary conditions of Socio Emotional Wealth. IFERA Annual Conference (2020), Virtual edition.

Quarato, F., Calabrò, A., Pongelli, C., Depperu, D., & Corbetta, G. Nearby or faraway? family firms’ foreign direct investment location choices under internal and external threats. IFERA Annual Conference (2020), Virtual edition.

Quarato, F., Calabrò, A., Pongelli, C., Depperu, D., & Corbetta, G. Nearby or Faraway? Family Firms’ FDI Location Choices under Internal and External Threats. 80th Annual Conference of Academy of Management, Virtual edition, 7-11 August 2020.

Calabrò, A., Quarato, F., & Torchia, M. What Drives Family Firms’ Overseas Acquisitions? A Differentiated Socioemotional Wealth Approach. 80th Annual Conference of Academy of Management, Virtual edition, 7-11 August 2020

Pongelli, C., Calabrò, A., Minichilli, A., Quarato, F., & Corbetta, G., The Impact of Socioemotional Wealth and Vulnerabilities on Family Firms' Subsidiary Ownership Choice. 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts, 9-13 August 2019.

Cambrea, D.C., Tenuta, P., Quarato, F., & Ponomareva, Y. When is a more powerful leader better? Empirical evidence on CEO duality from family Italian listed. 10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM), IPAG Business School, Nice, France, 8-10 July 2019.

Pongelli, C., Calabrò, A., Minichilli, A., Quarato, F., & Corbetta, G. Alone or together? The impact of socioemotional wealth and vulnerabilities on family firms’ subsidiary ownership choices. Annual Conference EURAM, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28 June 2019.

Lohe, F.W., Quarato, F. & Calabrò, A. Worth taking the risk? Venturing risk in family firms and the role of family CEOs for international acquisistions from the SEW perspective. 2nd IFBRF - International Family Business Research Forum, University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples, Italy, 15-17 September 2016.

Research interests

Corporate strategy. Government and management of family-owned businesses. Corporate governance: characteristics, functioning and evaluation of the boards of directors.

Selected Publications