Vincenzo Perrone


I am full professor in Strategic Management and Organization. From the 1st of November 2008 to October 2012 I have acted as Vice-Rector for Research at Bocconi University.

Chairman of the Institute of Organization and MIS at Bocconi from 2001 to 2007. I have been the Director of the Organization and Human Resource Management Department of SDA, Bocconi University School of Management from 1995 to 2001. I taught at the University of Cassino, Italy for five years (1994-1999).

Dottorato di Ricerca in Economia Aziendale (Italian PhD equivalent, in Business Administration), 1988, Bocconi University. PhD Thesis: "The Design of Organizational Structure".

Full Professor
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Research interests

Trust within and between organizations; Organizational Behavior: influence, emotions, stress, engagement; Leadership; Strategy formulation and implementation; Organizational design; Change management