Paola Cillo

PhD in Business Economics and Management, I am an Associate Professor at Bocconi University and Associate Dean for Research at SDA Bocconi School of Management and Director of the Concentration in Luxury Business Management of the Full Time MBA Program. My teaching is focused on on creativity and new product development, as well as on the use of big data for innovation and marketing decisions.
My research focus regards the dynamics of innovation in creative industries, financial markets’ reaction to innovation, and big data and innovation. I have published several national and international books and articles in leading international journals, such as Journal of Marketing, Strategic Management Journal, Research Policy, Journal of Product Innovation Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, and European Management Journal, among the others.
Forthcoming paper: Cillo P., Rubera G., "Generative AI in innovation and marketing processes: A roadmap of research opportunities," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
My research focus regards the dynamics of innovation in creative industries, financial markets’ reaction to innovation, and big data and innovation.
Generative AI in innovation and marketing processes: a roadmap of research opportunities
JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE, ForthcomingThe strategic organization of innovation: state of the art and emerging challenges
STRATEGIC ORGANIZATION, 2022Whatever you want, whatever you like: how incumbents respond to changes in market information regimes
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 2022Consumer-CEO interaction as catalyst for business model innovation in established firms
JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, 2021Changing style in style-changing Industries: the role of critics as gatekeepers in high-end fashion
ADVANCES IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, 2021Search Style in Style Searching: Learning Exploration Strategies from Fashion Firms
LONG RANGE PLANNING, 2008“Managing Integrators Where Integration Matters: Insights From Symbolic Industries”
THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 2008Convergent Designs in Fine Fashion. An Evolutionary Model for Stylistic Innovation
RESEARCH POLICY, 2006My teaching focus is on on creativity, design thinking, and new product development, as well as on the use of big data for innovation and managerial decisions.