Emanuela Prandelli

I am LVMH Associate Professor of Fashion & Luxury Management within the Department of Management & Technology of Bocconi University. I hold a Ph.D. in Management from Bocconi University and served as a Research Assistant at St.Gallen University and at the Research Center on Technology, Innovation, and eCommerce of the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.
I have also been Visiting Professor at the same Kellogg School of Management and at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. I am the Director of the Master in Fashion, Design, & Experience (MAFED) of SDA Bocconi School of Management and Senior Lecturer within the Marketing Department.
In 2021 I won the Research Excellence Awards from Bocconi University and the Best Management Book of the Year Award by Canova Club, with the book published in 2020 and entitled “Human digital enterprise. Creare e co-creare valore in un contesto omni-data”, co-author G. Verona.
My research focus regards customer engagement, co-creation, user and open innovation; digital strategy and omnichannel customer relationship management. I have a special interest in exploring these topics within the fashion and luxury industry.
Changing style in style-changing Industries: the role of critics as gatekeepers in high-end fashion
ADVANCES IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, 2021Luxury customer experience and engagement. What is the impact of in-store technology?
Baker Retaling Centre, Working Paper Series, 2016In user's shoes: an experimental design on the role of perspective taking in discovering entrepreneurial opportunities
JOURNAL OF BUSINESS VENTURING, 2016The Psychological Effects of Empowerment Strategies on Consumers' Product Demand
JOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2010Web-based Product Innovation
CALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 2006Collaborating to Create: The Internet as a Platform for Customer Engagement in Product Innovation
JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING, 2005A dynamic model of customer loyalty to sustain competitive advantage on the web
EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 2002Communities of creation: Managing distributed innovation in turbulent markets
CALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 2000Come la critica influenza le scelte di cambiamento delle imprese: un'analisi longitudinale sull'innovazione stilistica nel settore della moda
FINANZA MARKETING E PRODUZIONE, 2012Il ruolo del Web ai fini del coinvolgimento del cliente nei processi di innovazione: teoria e prassi a confronto
MICRO & MACRO MARKETING, 2003A dynamic model of customer stickiness to sustain competitive advantage in the frictionless economy
FINANZA MARKETING E PRODUZIONE, 2001L’efficacia delle promozioni nel settore della stampa quotidiana: Un’indagine empirica
MICRO & MACRO MARKETING, 1998Verso il prodotto relazionale. Alcune evidenze empiriche dal settore dell’abbigliamento giovane
ECONOMIA & MANAGEMENT, 1996From Software to Hardware: The Changing Technology of Open Source
Advances in Strategy and Organization. Selected Papers from 'Second Tuesday' Seminars, 2012“Co-developing New Products with Customers”
Strategic Market Creation: A New Perspective on Marketing and Innovation Management, 2008“Collaborative Innovation: Web-based tools for customer involvement in new product development”
21st Century Management: A Reference Handbook (II volume), 2007Knowledge Management and the Emerging Organizational Models of Distributed Innovation: Towards a Taxonomy
The Future of Knowledge Management, 2005Beyond Customer Knowledge Management: Customers as Knowledge Co-Creators
Knowledge Management and Virtual Organization, 2000Far leva sulla creatività dei consumatori per alimentare con continuità il processo innovativo: evidenze empiriche dal settore moda
Marketing, una disciplina fantastica: omaggio a Enrico Valdani, 2018Innovation in Symbolic Industries. The Influence of Critical Audience's Evaluations on Fashion Companies' Behavior
Prodotto, consumatore e politiche di mercato quarant’anni dopo. Scritti in onore di Stefano Podestà, 2012Il marketing digitale: dal marketing interattivo al marketing collaborativo.
Marketing e Fiducia, 2009Reti virtuali e brokering di innovazione
Rileggere l'impresa. Relazioni, risorse e reti: un nuovo modello di management, 2007La gestione delle comunità virtuali per lo sviluppo di relazioni e conoscenze
Vendite e Trade Marketing, 2005La metamediazione: gestire le interazioni in un’economia virtuale
Il management nell’era della connessione., 2001I teach innovation management (with a special focus on collaborative strategies, user and open innovation), digital strategy, fashion and luxury marketing and management, both at Bachelor and Master of Science Programs.
I also teach Marketing Management at the Executive Master in Marketing & Sales (EMMS), Digital Strategy and Marketing & CRM in Luxury at the Master in Business Administration (MBA), and Marketing Management and Customer Relationship Management & Digital Strategy at the Master in Fashion, Design and Experience (MAFED) of SDA Bocconi School of Management.