Luigi Proserpio


Associate Professor of Management and Technology.

Founder of BETA (Bocconi Education and Teaching Alliance), Bocconi’s lab on teaching and learning methodologies.

Until 2016, Delegate rector for teaching and learning innovation.

Creator of methodologies for technology based learning as well as simulations and business games. Member of the Board of Academy of Management Learning & Educations, the Journal of Management Education and of the Journal of Management Inquiry.

Former director of the SDA learning lab. Paper published on Research Policy, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Journal of Product Innovation Management and others. Lectures (master level) on technology mediated communication, organizational behaviour, distance learning and organizational change through information technology. PhD in management at Università Bocconi. Visiting scholar at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg.


Associate Professor
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Research interests

Technological start-ups, hypergrowth (scale-ups), Digital Business Transformation, Communicating and teaching through technologies, People Management, Organizational Design.