Giorgio Invernizzi

I was on 21 December 1953. I am father of 4 children, with - for the moment - 7 grandchildren.
I earned a degree in Business Administration from Bocconi University.
I am full Professor of strategy, Senior Professor at SDA Bocconi Strategic & Entrepreneurial Management Department, Professor of Business Strategy and Corporate Strategy.
I was Director of Strategic Management Department at Bocconi University (2005-2010) and Director of Master in Entrepreneurship and Strategic Managemen (2002-2009).
My research activities focus on corporate strategy, strategic planning, business planning and strategic management accounting. Recently, I have been working on three main topics: strategic management, corporate-level strategy and corporate governance.
Author of many books, among others: Corporate Strategic Lab, McGraw, 2021; Corporate Level Strategy, McGraw-Hill, 2012; Strategic Management Accounting, Egea, 2005.
At SDA Bocconi, he has been the Product champion of different courses: Corso di Sviluppo Imprenditoriale, Corso Intensivo di Sviluppo Direzionale, Strategic Management Accounting, Master in Entrepreneurship and Strategic Mangement. He conducted consulting and executive education projects for Mediolanum Bank, Unicredit Group, ENEL, Italimpianti, Intesa SanPaolo, Banco Popolare, Poste Italiane and many others.