Gabriella Lojacono

Gabriella Lojacono is an Associate Professor of International Management at the Department of Management and Technology of Università Bocconi and of SDA Bocconi School of Management. She is also Director of the Vertical - Made in Italy B4I, a catalyst for the most innovative and high potential ideas and startups of SDA Bocconi, and Director of the Executive Master in Luxury Management - EMiLUX.
She is a senior researcher of the Gucci Lab, Università Bocconi. From January 2017 to December 2020, she was Faculty Deputy of the Strategy and Entrepreneurship Knowledge Group. She has run several executive education open programs and custom initiatives with some of the leading companies in apparel and leather goods, design, jewelry, hospitality, F&B, automotive, eyewear, cosmetics. Her research projects have focused on the international growth of the Made in Italy industries and companies as well as on luxury strategy and business models.
She is the author of numerous books and articles on her topics of interest. In 2021, Resilience of Luxury Companies in Times of Change, De Gruyter, by G.Lojacono and L. Ru Yun Pan will be published by De Gruyter Her works have been published in Economia & Management, Sloan Management Review, Long Range Planning and International Business Review, among others. She has authored numerous case studies, filed in international databases, about multinational enterprises such as Starbucks, Davines, Inditex, Ferrari, Illy, Valentino, Nike e Gucci.. Gabriella earned a degree in Business Administration from Università Bocconi with a specialization in Finance, then a Ph.D. in Economics and Management from SDA Bocconi and an ITP (International Teachers Programme) organized by ISBM at HEC in Paris. During her Ph.D., she was a Visiting Scholar at Copenhagen Business School.