Claudio Panico

I am an Associate Professor of Applied Economics. I received my PhD from Toulouse School of Economics. I teach in the PhD and in the master EMIT and I am the director of EMIT. My research revolves around the theory of incentives, organizational economics, industrial organization, platforms, and strategic human capital. My research has been published in the Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Academy of Management Review, Research Policy, and other international journals. I am currently an Associate Editor of the Strategic Management Journal and a member of the Editorial Board of Organization Science. I also serve as a guest Associate Editor of Management Science.
Value Creation, value appropriation, and cooperation in team production
Academy of Management ReviewUser preferences and strategic interactions in platform ecosystems
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, ForthcomingManaging autonomy in industrial Research and Development: a project-level investigation
ORGANIZATION SCIENCE, 2020Microeconomic Foundation for Business Studies (PhD course)
Economics of Business Strategy - Transactions and incentives (Master course)