Vincenzo Morabito


Degree in Economics from LUISS. PhD in Business Administration and Management from Università Bocconi. Research Scholar at MIT Sloan School of Management, Center for Information System Research. Research Scholar for the Decision and Information Science Department of the University of Florida.

In 2008 I won the price “Premio di Eccellenza nella Ricerca” of the Università Bocconi.

In charge of the course of Business Organization, Management of Information Systems, and Information Management for the various Degree Programs. I was director of the Management Information System Master. I have participated in various research projects, many financed by Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research.

Associate Professor
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Over the years I have been the author of monographs and scientific articles about the impact of technological evolution on companies, which now fall under the broad cap of the so-called digital transformation.

According to my Google Scholar profile, in 2021 the H-Index is 18 with more than 1800 citations to my publications.

Research interests

Management of corporate information systems, focusing on the link between IT and productivity; organization and governance of information systems in the banking industry; adoption and implementation of information systems for management control.

I actually focus also on analyzing how emerging information and digital technologies enable business model innovation.

In 2008 I won the price “Premio di Eccellenza nella Ricerca” of the Università Bocconi.

Selected Publications

I am currently responsible for Information Systems and Information Management courses at Bocconi University and I am in charge of various courses of the Master in Organization and Personnel (MOP) and the Master in Logistics and Transport Management (MEMIT).

These courses aims at giving the students frameworks to describe Information Systems in organizations, as well as at providing them with tools to assess the impact of emerging digital technologies, like artificial intelligence, big data, etc..