Nicoletta Corrocher


I am a Lecturer in Applied Economics at Bocconi University and Research Fellow at ICRIOS (Invernizzi Center for Research on Innovation, Organization, Strategy and Entrepreneurship), Bocconi University. I obtained a PhD in Economics and Management of Innovation at the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies and an MSc in Science and Technology Policy at SPRU, University of Sussex.

Download the cv (68.75 KB)

I’m currently working on the following projects/papers:

"The complementarity between digitalization and sustainability strategies and their impact on growth: An empirical analysis on European SMEs" (wtih M.L. Mancusi)

"Standing on the shoulders of science? Exploring the science-based character of green technologies" (with A. Morrison and F. Nutarelli)

"Exploring the emergence of a university accelerator: drivers, structure and ecosystem orchestration dynamics" (with R. Camerani, M. Masucci and M. Scarlata)

"Better together: private-public technological collaborations in green technologies" (with M.L. Mancusi)

"How digitalisation drives green innovation in European firms? An analysis based on web-scraped data" (with S. Ashouri and A. Suominen)

"Far away so close”: the interplay between ethnic diversity and educational paths in startups’ success." (with S.Breschi and H.Ryu)

"Fair or Unbiased Algorithmic Decision-Making? A Review of the Literature on Digital Economics" (with. G.Cecere and C.Jean)


Research interests

My main research interests concern the diffusion of innovations and industrial dynamics - particularly in ICT industries and service sectors – and the emergence of eco-innovations in the framework of sustainable development. I have published in international journals such as Research Policy, Regional Studies, Industry and Innovation, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

Selected Publications

I teach in three main areas:

  • Economics (micro and macro - undergraduate level)
  • Innovation in ICT and service industries (postgraduate level)
  • Sustainability (postgraduate level)

My teaching style is developed around the following principles:

  • Empathy with students
  • Clarity of exposition – use of interactive pen displays for basic courses and very structured slides for advanced courses
  • Accurate organization of the course structure and of every single lesson 
  • Interactivity
  • Data-based / Real-life Example-based lessons