Aldona Kapacinskaite

I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Management and Technology at Bocconi University. I hold a PhD in Strategy and Entrepreneurship from London Business School.
In my research, I study drivers of organizational innovation. In particular, I study how changes in the appropriability environment and industry conditions affect generation and use of trade secrets, investments in new technology, as well as product launches and updates. My ongoing research spans industry studies in the energy sector and digital platforms as well as cross-industry settings. My research has been recognized by the SMS Research in Strategic Management Award, Strategy Research Foundation Dissertation Award, grants from the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the Wheeler Institute at London Business School and Junior Researcher Grant at Bocconi University. My dissertation won the TIM Division Best Dissertation Award and was a finalist for the STR Division Wiley Blackwell Outstanding Dissertation Award. I was a Thomas Edison Innovation Law and Policy Fellow at the Center for Intellectual Property and Innovation Policy. I serve on the Editorial Review Board at Organization Science.
I hold a double MSc in Economics and Public Policy from Ecole Polytechnique and Sciences Po Paris. Prior to joining academia, I worked as a research assistant at INSEAD and held research roles at Google and the European Commission.
My research explores antecedents of organizational innovation strategy. I study how changes in the appropriability environment and industry conditions affect generation and use of trade secrets, realization of process innovation and adoption of new technology. This research is based in the energy sector, generating insights for the energy transition. In addition, I study drivers of complementor innovation strategy on digital platforms, focusing on the effects of platform orchestrator competitive actions on complementor outcomes in the mobile apps setting.